知ってるよ、私が怒ってさっさとベットの中に入った後、Qちゃん一人でメールを打ってたでしょう? あれ、今朝私が読んだ「私へのメール」でしょう?
Qちゃん、ありがとうね。いつも抱き締めてくれて。 いつも帰るコールしてくれて。 いつも大事にしてくれて。
書かないと、伝わらないことがあるもんね。 だからこうやって書いておくよ。また「熱い意見交換」しても私のこのメッセージを思い出して「なんだかんだ文句いってても俺のこと好きなんだろ」って心の中で笑っててよね。
大好きなQシープ-my dear Q sheep
Quddus, we had an aggressive argument. I don't like to call it as argument, so why don't we call it as "expressive exchanges of own opinions and views"?
I knew that you were writing me the reflection of "the event" after I left the room and went to the bed. The message you had been working on last night was what I read from you this morning, wasn't it?
This kind of your consideration to aftermaths is indeed impressive to me because I don't have such sensitivity and faithfulness.
Thank you for always holding gently, calling at home, and affectioning me.
Quddus, as you've learned about me by now, you are the only loved one whom I have right now. You are the only "special" man whom I expose my loneliness and timidity to.
There are something that cannot be reached to you unless I document in writing. That is why I urged to write and inform you of the statement below.
Whenever we present "expressive exchanges of own opinions and views" on the table, you recall this message and laugh at me, knowing "no matter what Nana says, I know she cares about me anyway."ローストポークとオニオン