
Gold Plum From Angelica

"Nana, I left some plums for you in your tea cup on the table at the employee lounge," said Angelica who came back from her afternoon break.

She often gives me her homemade Mexican foods and international foods which her curiosity leads her to try to taste. I am a lucky one who always receives her delicious dish anyway.

It seems that Angelica's diet is filled with vegetables and fruits. This is evidenced by the fact that she has given me her fresh salad and fruits on several occasions.

I found three gold plums in my tea cup on the table as Angelica had mentioned. They were fully juicy and apparently ready to eat!

I wrapped the gold plums with paper napkin carefully as if they were treasures from Angelica. Indeed, I am very pleased to have such a trusty co-worker and treat her as my treasure in my workplace.

Opening the door of the apartment, I found the right person, who would appreciate those gold plums from Angelica, laying down and watching the Olympic game in the living room.

"Guess what, I got something for you from Angelica today," getting the attention of Quddus by using such a baby-talk tone.

"What is it?"

He got up from the sofa and walked into the kitchen where I was unwrapping the paper napkin from the treats.

"Wow! Wow! Wow! Plums!"

When he found the gold plums in my hands, he got excited by them, grabbed one of them, and bit on the fruit instantly.

"Wait a minute! I want to take a picture of them for my blog!" I lightly slapped his hand.

I've been addicted to taking a picture of anything that gives me a vision of story for my blog nowadays.

He understands my "photo-obligation" and has learned to wait patiently until my task is completed usually, but not this time!"I can't wait!" said my fruit monster. Do you want to be a volunteer for my blog photo with the fruits?You my little fruit lover! Be thankful for Angelica! "Thank you, Angelica!" said the fruit eater.

Angelica, thank you for things you do at work as well as kind deeds that you show me in private.

I couldn't forget not to record about you in English in my blog because your valuable presence occupies in my daily life, hoping that you might read the blog and sense my appreciation for your confidence and generosity by chance.

You are one of the Oregonians who make my Oregon life alive and easy. I am glad to meet you here in NW. Thank you always.

Dinner: Tofu & Chicken in coconut-tomato sauce
Brown rice and Thai pepper