誰かが植えた花の前で立ち止まる。誰を喜ばすために誰が植えたのだろうか。 それは素晴らしいこと。あなたがお弁当に夕食の残りの鯖と萌し炒めを詰めること。私が蕎麦サラダをお弁当に詰めること。それは素晴らしいこと。あなたは紺のハンカチ、私はスーパーの袋。今晩の私の贅沢はピスタチオ、あなたの贅沢は桃、苺、メロンのフルーツボウル。
性格も好みも違うあなたと私が一つ屋根の下で暮らすこと、 それは素晴らしいこと。私には素晴らしいことが溢れている、 それはあなたがすぐここにいるから。
The Wonderful Things
Waking under the freedom of time, that is a wonderful thing.
Stopping by the full of white blossoms that I wonder who planted and for whom in order to please their visions on the street. That is a wonderful thing.
Glancing your packing your own lunch with the leftover food from yesterday, that is a wonderful thing.
Packing my own lunch with a buckwheat noodle, that is a wonderful thing.
You wrap your lunch with the dark-blue handkerchief, while I throw my lunch into a plastic bag.
My tonight luxury is a bowl of pistachio, whereas yours is a bowl of fruit.
You and I, different in personarity and in taste of food, live in the same house in harmony, that is a wonderful thing.
My life is overflowing with "The wonderful things" because you are here.